Overview from Pian Grande
Starting from the village of Poggio on the left side of the Bar. The path climbs up into an area with several shrubs, at the top there is an interesting view of the Trave. After crossing a woodland section, Pian Grande is reached in about an hour. On the left you can see the Bay of Portonovo. Resuming the main path, after crossing a further grove at the signposted junction, take the left direction and reach the Piani di Raggetti. Here you have to choose between two directions: with the first you reach the big road, with the second you go up to the left along the "Casa Luciani" and then you come to the paved road. You can visit the crypt of the Church of St. Peter. There is a possibility to eat at the Hotel Monteconero. The path continues with a broad-leaved forest to a clearing with a masonry base. Go left along an area overlooking the sea where you will find examples of Mediterranean plants and arrive on a wider road with a characteristic observation point: The South Belvedere with a view of the Two Sisters rocks. Continuing you descend into an area with houses and then take the municipal road to Fonte d'Olio and then you arrive at the provincial road. To get back to the starting point you can use public transport.
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