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While flying with a paraglider, we do not ‘jump’ like a skydiver, but we takeoff as an airplane . The takeoff is generally done starting from a gentle slope after checking if the sail is properly inflated; if something is not in place, it’s not a problem, the pilot can always stop the takeoff run before the detach from the ground and stop the glider (stall); once solved the problem the pilot will repeat again all the due control’s procedure for a new takeoff.

The take-off with a paraglider is close to a start with a chair lift and once in flight you are comfortably seated. Also people suffering from vertigo can fly with a paraglider; among the people practicing this sport, there is also a significant number of people suffering of this illness, however they fly at an excellent level.

Once airborne, the only noise will be the wind’s whistle in the glider’s lines. Paraglider doesn’t require an athletic fitness, but good mind concentration ability and mental and psycho-physical equilibrium.

The touristic paragliding sport, cannot be pertained among the extreme disciplines, but it could be defined “the most extreme sport after chess” because it requires from the pilot the capability to think and to control his emotions.

The pilot’s stereotype is neither Rambo nor Lara Croft the TOMB RAIDER’s heroine. Among the best pilots there are mountaineers and skydivers, but also pharmacists, banking, and metal workers, many of whom are happily married with children.

To fly with a paraglider it is not necessary to have wind, it is possible to takeoff even with zero breeze.
The flight can last even some hours using the updrafts of warm air (thermals); a thermal can lift the glider, however, is always the pilot to decide, at any time, where to go and when to land.
In a day of good thermal activity it is easy to see a lot of paragliders turning very tight in the same area as like as mosquitos, in that place there is certainly a ‘thermal’.
It is possible to fly all year round, and every season has its own charm, you will never find two days with the same flight’s conditions. This means that we do not ever get tired of paragliding.
The best flyable days for paragliding are in the spring season, with a bit of meteorological instability, with some white fluffy clouds (cumulus) in the sky.

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Valentine's day 2020
Valid From 14/02 To 16/02
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